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What's New this Year?


We have rearranged our CSA farm pick up schedule to allow for us farmers to have more time to farm. Tuesday is THE day to pick up a CSA share at the farm. We decided to consolidate all the farm pick ups to this one day a week. Farming can both be a joyous activity and a grueling one. We decided that we just need more time to produce the crops as well as a little less hectic schedule.



 We are able to  now grow early and late season crops under this protective cover. It is a real joy working in a high tunnel when it is cold or raining out and all those little plants are growing. We can continue with tending to and harvesting even when the weather is less than ideal outside. A high tunnel helps to minimize the risk of farming as we are not so exposed to the weather but it does require a higher level of management,


We just completed repairing our irrigation pond! It was originally constructed in the 1970s and had not been holding water for some time. It took years of paper work then came the permits and lastly the excavation. Boy, is it ever nice to have an irrigation source again! It sure is pretty too.


We completed the removal of our old peach and apple orchards. The trees had became old and tired and unfortunately it was no longer feasible to continue cropping them. This is a sad thing, but it is reality. It was time to face the music. We have fruit growing friends who specialize in tree fruit, and we plan to purchase peaches and apples from them. We can support other local growers and continue to offer a fine product both to csa and retail customers. We continue to grow red raspberries and blackberries and of course lots of different cantaloupes and watermelon just not tree fruit.



There is literally always something "new" we are working on. When you are on a farm you underline "working on"
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