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Turnip, Hakurei Sweet White (bagged)

Turnip, Hakurei Sweet White (bagged)

4-5  medium (golf ball sized) sweet white turnips.  Bagged without greens.

Japanese turnips are small, white, globe-shaped roots with a single straight tendril tail resembling a radish. Its tender skin is crisp with a sweet and a slightly fruity flavor. The Japanese greens have light stems with green round frilly-edged leaves. Japanese turnip greens are edible as well and have a similar taste to mustard greens.

The Japanese turnip is unlike other turnips in that they can be eaten raw. In fact, it is said they are best eaten raw. The Hakurei turnip has a tender skin that does not require peeling, only scrub well before taking a bite or shaving onto a salad. Hakurei turnips pair well with many foods, including their own greens, and can also be sliced into wedges, sautéed, roasted, quick pickled, boiled or added to soup or stew. When they are cooked they produce a buttery flavor and their sweetness is enhanced.  From -

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